Friday, August 21, 2009

Kourtney Kardashian To Pose Naked While Pregnant

Kourtney Kardashian wants to pose naked while pregnant. God. Am I the only one who would love a vacation from the Kardashian family? Please? Just give me a week. A week with no Kim or Kourtney. Khloe can stay. Anyway, we just wish Kourtney would stop blabbing to whomever will listen about her maybe-abortion, and now she wants to do a Demi Moore. Any takers? Us Weekly? Star?

Kourtney Kardashian To Pose Naked While Pregnant

Kourtney told E!’s Daily Ten (via that she would probably strip down for a spread — but she’d have to “think about it.” She also babbled something about fruit:

“You know what’s weird? Like, I always thought, like, if I was pregnant I would eat like, McDonald’s or like, Taco Bell all day long or something,” she says. “I’m not craving those things. Like, I’ve been craving, like, cold stuff like frozen yogurt and smoothies and like, I’ve been eating way more fruit then I used to eat before.”

Something tells us Kourtney just loves her pregnant moment in the sun. Kim has her butt and boyfriend problems, Khloe had her DUI and now Kourtney has her fetus.

Kourtney Kardashian To Pose Naked While Pregnant

Kourtney Kardashian To Pose Naked While Pregnant

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