Friday, October 16, 2009

Scarlett Johansson Photoshoot For Mango Clothing

Scarlett Johansson Photoshoot For Mango Clothing

Here's Scarlett Johansson trying to look sexy in some sort of 1980's retro photoshoot for Mango clothing. It's not working. My crotch and I have not been this bored since that time we went to a Melissa Etheridge concert. Do not get me wrong, it still worked, but I have not seen bush like that since my days playing shortstop for that women's softball team. Anyhow, that's not the point, the point is that these pictures are .... Pretty f @ # king boring.

Scarlett Johansson Photoshoot For Mango Clothing

Scarlett Johansson Photoshoot For Mango Clothing

Scarlett Johansson Photoshoot For Mango Clothing

Scarlett Johansson Photoshoot For Mango Clothing

Scarlett Johansson Photoshoot For Mango Clothing

Scarlett Johansson Photoshoot For Mango Clothing

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